Psycho-Beauty. What does red lipstick mean in psychological terms? What does red mean? Makeup "Red lips" Why does a guy have red lips

A very interesting topic is touched upon in the article. Here the psychologist talks about what a certain type of makeup conveys and can be perceived by others, in particular men. Of course, as always and everywhere, there are exceptions and various nuances. But overall, it's interesting. because every detail in our image serves its intended purpose)


Anna Barinova is an analyst and lecturer at the French Fashion Institute, studying the connection between psychology and fashion. She was the first editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Russia, then the editor-in-chief of Madame Figaro Russia. She has a higher education in psychology, works as a coach and helps solve life problems.

Another long-planned premiere. The connection between beauty and psychology is obvious, but shrouded in mystery. At least I haven’t come across any interesting, comprehensive and relevant texts on this subject. So we're filling in the gaps, yeah. For the first issue of the column, we invited psychologist and coach Anna Barinova and invited her to comment on the main trends of spring-summer 2014 and answer the question: “How will others perceive me if I do...”


Anna's opinion:

The secret to the attractiveness of this look is the combination of ascetic styling and make-up and sensuality of the lips. The lips are very plump and they make the whole event a success. This is a classic game of contrasts. And contrast is always a provocation. And provocation is always interest. Tanned skin, by the way, seems so sexy to many because it contrasts with the whites of the eyes and teeth. As for the image of Chloe, if you imagine a girl with the same monastic-straight hair, almost no makeup, but without such naturally luxurious, defiantly sexy lips, then, alas, she is unlikely to receive a heap of compliments. If you imagine that a girl with such lips curls Marilyn Monroe's curls, she will collect them even more. But this will be outright work on the “below the belt” zone.

Ya-z-va’s notes: It seems that you should only copy the image if you are confident in your own lips and want to please an intellectual.


Anna's opinion:

This is also a provocation, but a childish one. For approximately the same purpose, the girl puts on her mother’s high-heeled shoes. Find out what I will look like when I grow up. Very sexy if your goal is to send the world (more precisely, the male half) a message: “I am a young and never saddled wild horse, but you, so mature and wise, can try to tame me.” It is important to understand that here you are appealing to fatherly qualities.

Ya-z-va’s notes: That is, it turns out that if you want to attract an older man, then arrows with a ponytail are the right move. If you are more interested in peers - not really.


Anna's opinion:

This image requires inner strength from the wearer. His motto is openness. I don’t camouflage anything, I don’t hide anything, I am who I am, I’m defenseless - and therefore protected. There is a challenge here, and often more so than applying three layers of blush, bright lipstick and other armor. He is not aggressive, and this makes him even more honest. We often hide behind bangs, lipstick, and blush. It is impossible to hide here, and even such an attempt is not made. For all the apparent childishness, this is an adult image. Teenagers are rarely capable of such unconditional acceptance - and demonstration of themselves.

Ya-z-va’s notes: If you want to check how confident you really are, try on this look at least in front of a mirror. And don’t be surprised if equally confident men aren’t excited by it. Why do they need an exact copy of themselves?..


Anna's opinion:

A trend that in Russia, like everything golden, has its own attitude. I don’t like the overused word “sacred,” but this is exactly the case. All gold in the territory from Vladivostok to Brest has a special cultural value. This, by the way, explains the desire of our women to buy “everything that glitters,” and the desire of buyers to provide this demand with supply, and the fact that these shades are repeated in makeup from year to year. Whether you like it or not, by applying golden shades to your forehead, eyebrows, and cheekbones, you will increase your material value in the eyes of others and hint at the inexhaustibility of resources. The more casually it is done - paired with simple straight hair and a simple white T-shirt - the more “expensive” you will look.

Ya-z-va’s notes: You give each golden gel - a golden fight. It seems that for the look to be in demand where the golden boys are found - for example, in Sardinia or St. Barts, you will need to limit yourself to wearing a rhinestone swimsuit. It’s also advisable not to forget to apply gold powder to your thin collarbones - and learn how to use sculpting makeup products :)


Anna's opinion:

No matter what you fantasize about, no matter how you justify your love for red lipstick to yourself, men always perceive it the same way - as an offer for sex. Lips are a projection of the genital organs, and we can’t get away from this. The combination with bare eyelashes and a general chastity of the image sometimes further strengthens the proposal to have sex, since the provocation is double, and contrast is also added. For many people, not wearing eyelashes is more difficult than putting on makeup.

Ya-z-va’s notes: Yes, I love sex, and you? :)) The trouble is that I absolutely don’t like red lipstick.


Anna's opinion:

All this carelessness in hairstyles is evidence of the infantilization of society. Baby-like-look became in demand as soon as we expressed the desire to fall back into childhood. Grown men play computer games, everyone desperately needs likes on Instagram as praise and proof that we are good, and Lolita girls who just got out of bed and haven’t combed their hair because the nanny hesitated and missed the moment are on the wave. Messy hairstyles attract teenage boys because they recognize you as one of their own, and they are always too lazy to comb their hair, and grown men who want to become your Humbert-Humberts and hire you the right nanny.

Ya-z-va’s notes: So this is why girl-women are in demand more than ever. On the one hand, they are so touching. On the other hand, there is no prison sentence for having sex with them.


Anna's opinion:

The most powerful, mature and courageous image. The desire to dominate is read by men on a subconscious level. For them, it’s not like no one here tried at all—it’s as if they didn’t lift a finger. I didn’t draw on any eyeliner, I didn’t put on lipstick, I didn’t create any kind of hairstyle. High cheekbones, thick eyebrows, open forehead. A direct gaze is required. Don't be surprised if people are afraid of you. Sometimes no one approaches beautiful and seemingly bare-faced women for precisely this reason - fear. Such a woman is self-sufficient, why does she need some jerk from Rublyovka?

Ya-z-va's notes: If it matches what you want to broadcast, great. If you're looking for a prince, don't be surprised if you don't find one, even if you're as good as Sasha Luss or Karlie Kloss.


Anna's opinion:

Hiding behind bangs - turning from a blonde into a brunette and vice versa - emphatically avoiding blush and striving for perfectly smooth skin without color accents in the form of blush or bright shadows - all this indicates a desire to hide oneself. As a one-time event, it’s normal and commendable; sometimes we all want no one around us to understand what we really are. As a norm of life - a reason to think. Long bangs are comfortable. And on the other hand, it’s a sign that you don’t like yourself. Don’t be surprised that someone will not intuitively believe you, someone will take you for a character that you actually are not and attribute qualities that, alas or hurray, you do not have and never had.

Ya-z-va’s notes: All my life I’ve worn long bangs, hiding the wrinkles on my forehead under it, and all my life I’ve been surprised at how uniquely people perceive me. But what’s the matter, it turns out... Eh, Semyon Semyonitch...


Anna's opinion:

Strong claws are an indicator of strength. At least, in the animal world this is the case, and we have no reason to believe that in the human world it is any different. Red varnish is an obvious aggression. All other shades are still a statement that, if necessary, you can tightly grab onto your prey. Although somewhat softened. Drawings on your nails are evidence that you are not averse to playing with your victim before... But you still emphasize that you have claws.

Ya-z-va’s notes: Well, yes. I have claws...:))


Anna's opinion:

And this is again about childhood. About a sincere and natural desire for color - and an unwillingness to bother about where and what gradient I put. There is no aggression in this desire (and in this trend). This type of makeup shows your vulnerability because sincerity is usually vulnerable. And desire is skill? - be spontaneous. There is no hint of sexuality in the image as a whole. True, the matter is again saved by the model’s plump lips.

Ya-z-va’s notes: There remains, of course, a faint hope that someone will still feel this sexuality. Because I really like blue Oxford shirts, buttoned all the way down to the throat. As well as mono shadows. But the prospect of others perceiving me as an excellent student is not.

Makeup Red lips

Red lipstick has long become a brand of its own, just like the little black dress. But few people know what secrets this small case hides.

The red color itself always attracts attention. It’s no wonder that Hollywood stars idolize bright red lipstick, often not even realizing how much this secret weapon has influenced their careers and personal lives.
Scientists say that different shades of red can affect life.

Red attracts attention; this color itself always says “attention”. Let's remember the traffic light. What color of traffic light says "stop" - red. Fire trucks are painted red; just like a siren, it attracts attention, saying “let go!” fire! very important!"

So what else can red mean? And how will it help us women?

You will never go unnoticed at work if you wear coral lipstick. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge. It’s hardly worth wearing red lipstick if you’re late for work or procrastinating on a task. But, if you want to tell the whole world - here I am - beautiful and successful, I am the one who deserves a promotion in my career, then, of course, take out the red lipstick. Bright berry tones will help you achieve what you want. This is the winner's color. It may be nonsense, but it is true. Analysts have calculated that sports teams and athletes who had a red uniform are much more likely to become winners.

Scientists have discovered that not only does the color red affect bulls, but it also increases heart rate and blood pressure in men. By choosing a lipstick in a raspberry-pink shade of red, you will naturally attract the attention of the men around you. This color is sexy in itself.

Pink shades of red, of course, are not so majestic and authoritarian, but to men they speak of playfulness and sexuality. So choose this lipstick color and go ahead and charm men.

So, with the help of a cute trinket - a case with the right lipstick, you can control your destiny, giving the necessary signals to others. So let's not forget about our women's secret weapon on the way to conquering men and career heights.

Red lipstick is always fashionable. You are the center of attention, but always very feminine.

How to properly apply makeup with red lipstick?

It's simple and difficult at the same time. The main thing is to follow the accent rule. You can't highlight your eyes too much with red lipstick. The emphasis should be on the lips.

And, nevertheless, creating an ideal face by hiding imperfections with concealer and foundation is simply necessary. Any makeup will look gorgeous with a perfect, healthy complexion.

One little secret - when applying makeup with red lipstick, we also highlight the area around the lips. This way the lipstick will look neater and better.

Draw the outline of the lips with a light pencil. If necessary, slightly adjusting their shape. We apply concealer to the lips; it will help maintain the brightness of the lipstick color and, at the same time, hide the shape correction.

Now let’s apply the powder, it’s better to use loose powder. It will fix our makeup.

Let's move on to the eyes. Apply light shadows to the entire eyelid. We make the color more intense on the moving part of the eyelid. Add brown shadow to the crease and a darker shade to the outer corner of the eye to add depth to the look. And blend everything well so that there are no clear boundaries and lines.

We highlight the lower eyelid and corners of the eyes with a white pencil. We apply mascara.

Now the fun part - let's start with lip makeup.

Draw the outline of the lips with a red pencil, drawing along the already corrected line. We apply red lipstick, it is better to do this with a brush, this way the lips are painted better and more accurately. You can deepen the color with a black pencil. Add shine to the center of the lips and apply a second layer of lipstick.

Concealer will help correct all imperfections. All that remains is to apply a little blush on the cheekbones and the make-up is ready.

Don't forget - proper and beautiful makeup is our secret weapon!

Finding out about your own health without resorting to laboratory tests and blood draws is an opportunity that Eastern wisdom gives.

Diagnosis by lips in Chinese medicine is a method through which you can recognize alarming symptoms, as well as find out where the disease is located. Just check the chart below to know exactly which area of ​​your body is most vulnerable or in need of treatment.

Lip diagnostic method

This method is very similar to Chinese diagnostics in terms of language; here, too, certain areas of the organ are associated with internal organs and systems. However, this method is still simpler and easier to interpret. All you need to do is examine the surface of your lips in the mirror. The table below shows already mirrored data on the connection between internal organs and lips. That is, you do not have to perform any additional manipulations.

First, evaluate the color of your lips. Too pale lips, as well as too bright ones, are often a sign of an incipient disease. Thus, bloodless pale pink lips may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, a similar color is observed with anemia and general physical exhaustion of the body. Pale, dry lips with peeling and flaking skin indicate dehydration and acute vitamin deficiency.

Bright red lips can be evidence of an acute inflammatory process in the body, as well as stomach diseases. If inflammation often appears on the surface of your lips, and you are bothered by heartburn or gastritis, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate a severe disorder of the digestive system. Often scarlet and crimson lips indicate a viral infection. Many people notice sharp redness of the skin of the lips during colds, fever and flu.

Red lips with an irritated surface and bite marks often accompany acute mental and nervous conditions. Often, injuries are also observed on the back of the lips.

Lips with an unnatural bluish or cyanotic tint (without hypothermia) indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart. In this case, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Pay special attention to the surface of the skin. If it is even, smooth and moisturized, then this characterizes good health and the absence of pronounced disorders in the body. If inflammation, cracks or ulcers are often localized on the lips in the same place, then this signals a disease of a specific organ or internal system in the body.

Monitor how often and exactly where this inflammation occurs. If it appears in the center of the upper lip, then most likely it means a disease of the cardiovascular system. If the sore appears at the very top of the upper lip (almost in the socket), then this indicates pathological processes occurring in the thyroid gland.

Excessively moist lips can mean disruption of the brain, pathological processes in its cortex or parts. This symptom may also be a consequence of a hormonal imbalance.

Associated authority

Location of the point on the lips

Left kidney Left corner of lips (most part on upper lip)
Right kidney Right corner of lips (most part on upper lip)
Left lung Left lateral part of the upper lip
Right lung Right lateral part of the upper lip
Heart Central upper part on the upper lip
Stomach Central lower part on the upper lip
Thyroid Central upper part on the upper lip (at the fossa)
Liver Lateral lower part on the right on the upper lip (in front of the right lung)
Intestines The central part of the entire lower lip
Spleen Lateral lower part on the left on the upper lip (in front of the left lung)

There are three main types of lip disorders - cotton wool, pitta And kapha. cotton wool– thin lips with a dry surface. Pitta– very red lips. Kapha– lips are full, plump.

  • Dry, dehydrated lips with cracks indicate an imbalance cotton wool.
  • Chronic disorders pitta are caused by the frequent appearance of ulcers and blisters on the surface of the lips.
  • Pale color indicates developing anemia (iron deficiency in the body).

Check your lip color. It is believed that uneven lip shade indicates illness. In the area where there is a violation of the shade - this is where the disease is localized, check this area with the table to know which organ is responsible for this area on the lip.

For example, if the corners of your lips are extremely pale, this may mean that your urinary system and kidneys are not healthy. With the frequent appearance of wounds and ulcers in this place, we can talk about an acute inflammatory process occurring in the kidney tissues (for example, pyelonephritis).

Diagnosis of lips in Chinese medicine is based primarily on the shade of both lips, the uniformity of their color, as well as the condition of the skin (its moisture content). Healthy lips have a soft pinkish tint, they are quite smooth, not dry or dehydrated, and do not have cracks or wounds on the surface.

Inflamed red lips, dry and cracked - a depressing picture. Such lips can not only ruin your date, but also make you depressed. There is no doubt that such a problem requires immediate treatment.

If your lips are dry, it is likely that one of the reasons is unfavorable weather conditions. You've probably noticed that after being outside in cold, windy weather, your lips dry out and burn. If, on top of everything else, you lick them in the wind, then expect trouble. It would seem that by licking your lips, you moisten them with saliva, but the resulting moisture quickly evaporates and your lips dry out even more.

Dry red lips and cracked lips can be prevented. To do this, you need to apply balm or hygienic lipstick to your lips and feel free to go outside, but not lip gloss, which becomes thicker in the cold, which leads to chapping.

It has been proven that men suffer from chapped lips much more often than women. The secret of this phenomenon is in lipstick, which the fair sex loves to use. After all, high-quality lipstick contains many moisturizing components that do not allow the skin of the lips to dry out. By the way, if the lipstick is of low quality, then it may contain harmful substances, dyes, which, when they get into the formed microcracks, corrode them, and this is a direct path to various infections. For men, there is a great way to avoid dry lips - colorless lipstick containing This lipstick is used to lubricate the lips and noses of military personnel and sailors.

Toothpaste can also cause problems with lips, especially fluoridated versions, which irritate and dehydrate the delicate skin of the lips. Inflammation from toothpaste may not go away for a long time, so you need to be extremely careful when choosing it.

Sore red lips need proper care. In cold weather, a balm containing hyaluronic acid, which wonderfully softens and protects lips, will be an indispensable assistant.

If you constantly feel like your lips are dry, or cracks regularly form in the corners of your lips, then most likely you need to consult a dermatologist who will prescribe a blood test. Based on the results of the analysis, the dermatologist will identify which diseases have caused a malfunction in the body and may be the cause of cracking.

The issue may be iron deficiency (anemia). Your diet must contain a sufficient amount of iron. If iron enters the body in minimal quantities, then this can manifest itself in various signals that the body will certainly give, including red lips and cracks.

You should be wary if you feel weakness, irritation, dizziness, decreased concentration and headache. If the listed symptoms are familiar to you, then quickly add nuts, beans, spinach, dried fruits, and broccoli to your diet. Meat and seafood contain iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is very important for the beauty of lips and for good general condition. This vitamin is contained in milk and green peas, peanuts and cheese, soybeans and peaches, cottage cheese and pears. It is also found in tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, beets, carrots, and spinach. Vitamin B2 is synthesized and contained in soft cottage cheese.

Do not rush to pour out the water after boiling the potatoes. It contains a lot of riboflavin. You can lubricate sore red lips with this water or use it to care for the skin of your hands, nails, and feet. Signs of riboflavin deficiency are crusts on the lips, inflamed red lips, dry lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, general weakness, and depression. To prevent deficiency, it is enough to receive 2-3 mg of this product per day from the listed products.

Take dryness and flaking as a cry for help and a plea for moisture. The skin of the lips is extremely sensitive and thin and is the first to react to a lack of water in the body, so instead of spreading lip balm on your lips again, drink a glass of plain water.

Dehydration, by the way, is not the only cause of dry lips. The second most common culprit is saliva, which dries and draws moisture from the skin, so please stop licking your lips.

And finally, dryness can also indicate problems with the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, erosions, and gastritis. The lips are often one of the first to report problems with internal organs.

Cracks along the edges of the lips

Most often, the cause of cracks that form along the edges of the lips are various infections caused by bacteria that appear as a result of improper oral hygiene. This is especially true for those who wear braces or various prostheses. Untreated properly, they are an excellent environment for the development of harmful bacteria. Our advice is to be more careful about your hygiene and visit a dermatologist who will choose the right treatment.

Color change

If one day in the mirror, instead of beautiful rose-colored lips, you see something blatantly bright or unbearably pale, the first thing to do is rule out the possibility that you ate something coloring - candy, berries or fruit. If you definitely haven’t eaten anything like that, run to the doctor. Changes in lip color can be caused by both liver problems and various allergic reactions. By the way, lip color also changes due to excessive smoking.


Slight swelling of the lips in the morning may mean that your body is prone to excess fluid accumulation. In other cases, swollen lips indicate an allergic reaction. In both cases, you better visit a doctor. Moreover, in the second situation, this needs to be done as soon as possible.


Unnatural paleness of the lips can occur for two reasons - illness and lack of sun. If you feel great and don't notice anything suspicious, just try to spend a little more time outside. But it’s still better to consult a doctor; most often, pale lips “signal” about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, anemia or liver disease.

Cracks in the corners of the lips

Cracks in the corners of the lips indicate a lack of vitamin B2 and a weakened immune system. Change your diet and pay more attention to health. Eat healthy, eat more vegetables and fruits, and it won't hurt to start taking a multivitamin.

Increased sensitivity

Increased sensitivity, redness and irritation along the edges of the lips can be caused by allergies, including to hygiene products, such as mouthwash or toothpaste. Traditionally, such allergies are also accompanied by reddening of the gums.