How to take sage for conception for women and men. Sage for infertility: use and safety measures From what day to drink sage for conception

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Our great-great-grandmothers even figured out such a difficult issue as pregnancy many centuries ago. For example, they knew that sage helps to conceive children, they knew how to drink sage to get pregnant, and we still turn to their experience for help.

What are the benefits of sage?

Sage is also called the “sacred herb”; it has been known for a long time and was successfully used to treat various diseases. It’s not for nothing that its name is translated from Greek as “health”, “well-being”, and the decoction from the plant was called “healing Greek tea”.

Sage leaves are rich in flavonoids and tannins and are known for their anti-inflammatory, astringent and disinfectant properties. They contain organic acids: chlorogenic, ursulic, oleanolic, vitamin P and PP, essential oil in large quantities, alkaloids, etc.

It is recommended to take the herb when hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is detected. Drinking sage tea helps alleviate symptoms of PMS and pain during menstruation. For women over 35 years old, the infusion has a rejuvenating effect; you need to drink it in a course three times a year for one month (a teaspoon of the plant in a glass of boiling water 30 minutes before meals).

The role of sage for conception

The phytohormones in the “sacred grass” act on the female body, like the sex hormone estrogen. It is estrogen that is responsible for the development of eggs, and therefore affects the onset of ovulation. The plant also increases the cervical reflex, which is also important for fertilization.

How to drink sage for successful conception?

Before answering the question of how to take sage to get pregnant, you need to note who it helps. To understand how effective drinking “healing Greek tea” will be in each specific case, you need to take a hormone test.

Only women who can correct their ovulation this way or whose estrogen levels are below normal may see results from a sage drink.

Of course, you must be confident in the quality of the product. It is better to purchase herbs in pharmacies, where only those medicines that meet established medical and environmental standards are allowed on the shelves. When purchasing, you need to clarify that the weed is being purchased for internal use.

How to brew and drink grass?

Boil a glass of water, pour one tablespoon of herb leaves into it, cover with a bowl, leave for 20 - 25 minutes. Strain the infusion through a sieve, store in the refrigerator. Drink strictly ¼ glass at a time, making sure that the intervals between doses are as equal as possible. Regarding the frequency of consumption, everything is very individual and this is another reason to consult a doctor. After analyzing your hormone levels, the doctor will tell you how often you can drink the infusion; for some it will be twice a day, and for others three or four times.

The course begins on the fifth day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle and until the twelfth day. This regimen is due to the fact that ovulation or conception may occur on the thirteenth or fourteenth day. If a woman does not become pregnant, everything can be repeated the next cycle. But, if the result does not come in the second month, they take a one-month break and resume the course.

Can't GET PREGNANT? SAGE is the best helper! Salvia (sage) - for pregnancy

sage for infertility how to drink

Sage - how to prepare it correctly

In addition to the decoction, tincture of seeds or freshly squeezed sage juice helps. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy; a doctor's prescription is not needed.

The plant is also brewed with boiling water - a tablespoon per glass of water, the infusion is cooled and used for douching. One tablespoon is enough for one time, the method is the same as for regular douching with soda.

On many baby forums, the problem of the impossibility of the desired conception of a child is discussed and the reviews of those who drank infusions from the “sacred herb” are mostly positive. Let’s make a reservation once again: most of the lucky women who were helped by sage knew exactly the reason for not getting pregnant and approached the application of the method correctly.

Sage in combination with other herbs and remedies

Using the same scheme, they combine the use of sage infusion and a decoction of linden blossom, which is also considered a female plant. Plus, it’s good to take folic acid in parallel, and add vitamin E from the middle of the cycle - this way the body will prepare for the conception of a new life and the formation of a fetus.

No less known for its healing properties is the plant hogweed or Ortilia unilateral (official name). It also normalizes hormonal levels and the cyclicity of menstruation, and contains phytohormones. Borovaya uterus in the amount of 15 grams is brewed with 150 ml of boiling water and infused. The dosage regimen is the same as for the sage drink and also with the doctor’s permission, sometimes they are interchanged or alternated.

Restrictions on the use of sage

Herbs are the same medications that the doctor prescribes to us. Only now, often, we are accustomed to prescribing medicines from traditional medicine ourselves, but this is wrong. Before you decide to take the “sacred herb,” be sure to get tested and consult with a competent doctor so that he can help you decide what and how much you need.

Also, it is a misconception that herbs are harmless in any quantity. The proportions and frequency of use are prescribed for a reason; uncontrolled doses of sage infusion can greatly impair health, cause allergies, poisoning, and inflammation of the genital organs.

If, after starting the course, you feel a deterioration in your health, abdominal pain, this is a clear signal that the “therapy” needs to be stopped. The menstrual cycle may change noticeably, watch it carefully, since you cannot take the infusion during ovulation.


  • pregnant women - as soon as it becomes known that a long-awaited pregnancy has occurred, you should immediately stop drinking tea, it has a bad effect on the fetus, and it can end in a miscarriage;
  • lactating women - the plant can have a bad effect on a small body and cause loss of milk;
  • when diagnosed with hypothyroidism, i.e. deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • at low blood pressure;
  • with weak kidneys;
  • if there is a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • with fibroids;
  • with endometriosis;
  • with polycystic disease.

By the way, one-sided ortilia has the same number of limitations.

Unfortunately, for those who have one of these diseases, sage does not help get pregnant. You will aggravate the course of the disease and waste a lot of time, hoping for results from weed and correcting the negative consequences that can be caused after its uncontrolled use.

Modern people continue to use folk recipes, despite the fact that traditional medicine is constantly developing. In order not to harm yourself, follow the rules for using herbs, proportions, duration of the course, get acquainted with the disadvantages of the methods, and may the power of nature help you!

For a long time, sage has been considered a sacred herb, which is used to treat various diseases. It is distinguished by a large number of useful substances and compounds that have a positive effect on the organs and systems of the body. In addition, sage is known for one invaluable quality - it increases the likelihood of conception.

The benefits and effectiveness of sage when planning pregnancy

Every tenth couple faces the impossibility of conceiving. There can be many reasons for this.

According to statistics, women’s diseases cause infertility in only 40% of cases. In 45%, the culprit is the man, and 15% is due to the immunological incompatibility of the partners.

In most cases, infertility occurs due to hormonal imbalance and lack of ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of follicle rupture and the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the ovary, which occurs once a month. The female reproductive cell lives only 24 hours. If during that period she meets a sperm, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. Otherwise, menstruation will begin.

The work of Italian scientists from the National Foundation for Scientific Research has shown that estrogen therapy in women who have difficulties with the growth of germ cells, in most cases, causes the maturation of the egg. During observations, 25 patients received estrogen therapy, in 9 of them the follicles developed up to 18 mm in diameter, in 8 ovulation occurred (4 became pregnant and gave birth at term), and only 3 noted no changes.

The journal “Obstetrics and Gynecology” No. 5 for 2012 published an article “Phytoestrogens: what is known today,” which highlighted the research of scientists from the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology and Reproductology named after. I.M. Sechenov about the effect of sage on a woman’s body with menstrual irregularities. It has been scientifically proven that in 75% of patients pain during menstruation disappeared, and in 15% the reproductive phase of life was extended.

Composition and effect of the plant on the body

The properties of sage are explained by the amazing composition of the plant. Its leaves and fruits contain:

  • carotenes;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • phytohormones.

Phytohormones are organic substances that are part of plants and have regulatory functions. Due to their special structure, they have a hormone-like effect and cause an estrogenic effect.

During treatment with sage, positive changes occur in a woman’s body that promote ovulation and conception:

  • ovarian function improves;
  • the cycle becomes regular, and menstruation becomes painless (with an irregular cycle, ovulation is impossible);
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina disappear;
  • follicles become stronger and mature in a timely manner.

Interestingly, back in the days of ancient Egypt, sage was distributed on the streets to all women after destructive wars in order to speed up the appearance of offspring.

In addition, the herb has the following effects:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • general strengthening;
  • hemostatic;
  • reducing frigidity.

It has been scientifically proven that using sage increases the chances of conceiving twins. This can be achieved by stimulating ovulation, otherwise the chances are very small - only 1 case out of 87. When taking a decoction of the plant, the level of estrogen in the blood increases, the likelihood of simultaneous maturation of several follicles and, accordingly, multiple pregnancies increases.

The healing properties of sage - video

Admission rules for women

Before starting treatment with sage, women should definitely consult with a gynecologist, and men with a urologist, and undergo the following examinations:

  • gynecological examination;
  • hormone analysis.

To combat infertility, an infusion of the leaves of the plant is usually used. You can prepare it as follows.

  1. One tbsp. l. raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for 15–25 minutes.
  3. Filter the liquid through a strainer or gauze.

The infusion is drunk during the day in 4-5 doses at equal time intervals. You should brew a fresh portion of the drink every day.

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of infertility:

  • for irregular menstruation, the herb is taken on the fifth day of the monthly cycle;
  • in the absence of menstruation, you can start drinking the infusion any day;
  • To stimulate ovulation, the medicinal liquid is consumed on the first day of the cycle.

Drinking sage is allowed only until the 10th–11th day of the menstrual cycle. Then ovulation occurs and pregnancy can occur. If this does not happen, the treatment is repeated monthly. The course of therapy is 2–3 months, after which a break is taken for 30 days.

If pregnancy occurs, taking sage should be stopped immediately, as it can cause miscarriage and also has the ability to disrupt placental circulation, which can cause fetal death.

There are other recipes for preparing sage that can be used to treat infertility.

  1. Decoction. Add 1 tbsp to water (1 glass). l. ground leaves of the plant, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and add boiled water to the initial volume. The liquid is drunk 3-4 times a day.
  2. Juice. Squeeze 1 tsp from a fresh plant. juice The portion should be divided into two times, adding a little salt before serving.
  3. Infusion from seeds. 1 tsp. Brew seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Take according to the standard regimen.
  4. Sage with linden. Linden flowers also contain estrogens, so together with sage a double effect is created.
  5. Upland queen and sage. Both plants contain plant hormones, which help normalize the hormonal balance in the female body. To prepare a decoction, mix 10 g of each herb and add 300 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and filter, drink 3-4 times a day.
  6. Use one sachet per glass of water and leave for 20 minutes. You need to drink tea in 4 doses throughout the day.
  7. Douching and sitz baths with sage. They help get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which is very important for the process of conception and the overall health of a woman. To do this, use a decoction or infusion of herbs. The procedure begins on the 5th day of the cycle and is performed until ovulation occurs. The course can be repeated three times, then you should pause for 1–2 months.

The choice of dosage form, dosage and duration of therapy is made by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition and infertility pathology.

Treatment of infertility with decoctions and infusions of sage, douching, boron uterus and other methods - photo gallery

Borovaya uterus, like sage, contains hormones of plant origin Linden flowers contain estrogens, so they enhance the effect of sage
Sage juice contains a high concentration of phytoestrogens For convenience, sage can be bought in filter bags and brewed in a cup Dried sage raw materials are used to prepare infusions and decoctions

Sage for men

In some cases, the culprit of infertility is the man. The reason may be low sexual activity, insufficient sperm levels, or underdeveloped germ cells. Sage helps increase testosterone (male hormones), which improves sperm quality. Thanks to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, the following occurs:

  • destruction of infectious processes in the genital organs;
  • microcirculation in the scrotum is normalized;
  • congestion and obstruction of the seminiferous tubules are eliminated;
  • trophic and metabolic processes in the testicles are activated;
  • Libido increases, which helps increase potency.

It is believed that taking sage during the period of conceiving a baby increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Recipes for preparing a healing drink for men.

  1. Infusion:
    • 2 tbsp. l. steam dry crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water;
    • put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then leave to infuse for about 60 minutes;
    • add boiled water to the initial volume;
    • drink in equal portions in three doses throughout the day.
  2. Decoction:
    • grind 15 g of herb and pour boiling water in a volume of 440 ml;
    • put on fire and boil for 2 minutes;
    • After 45–60 minutes, filter the broth;
    • take half a glass before meals for a week;
    • If necessary, repeat the treatment next month.

The medicinal liquid should be stored in a cool place for no more than 24 hours. A fresh portion is prepared the next day.

Male infertility - video

Contraindications and side effects when using herbs

Like any medicine, sage should be used carefully, since instead of the expected benefits, you can cause irreparable damage to your health. The fact is that the herb contains a toxic substance thujone, which has a negative effect on the central nervous system, impairs memory, attention, and creates mood swings.

In addition, there are some contraindications to the use of sage:

  • increased level of estrogen (their excess causes disruption of the menstrual cycle, as well as the risk of developing endometriosis);
  • low blood pressure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • ovaries;
  • debilitating;
  • prostatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney diseases in the acute phase;
  • lactation period - the plant makes milk production difficult.

The rules for taking sage should be strictly followed, since excessive consumption leads to the death of eggs and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman has an increased amount of estrogen, then taking the herb is strictly prohibited. The plant can only help with a lack of hormones, and their excess can lead to breast cancer, menstrual irregularities, and the development of inflammatory diseases.

Some side effects may occur during sage therapy:

  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • hoarseness;
  • a sore throat.

It should be taken into account that with an overdose (consuming more than 15 g of dried herb) or prolonged use of sage, tachycardia (increased heartbeat), vomiting, tinnitus, and convulsions may occur. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the plant.

Medical opinion and impact on conception

The opinions of official medicine regarding the treatment of infertility with sage are divided. The fact is that this problem is not considered an independent disease. It is associated with hormonal imbalances, the functioning of the immune system, and the health of the reproductive organs. In most cases, doctors do not prescribe the herb because it not only causes an increase in estrogen levels, but also reduces the amount of progesterone. In addition, the plant increases blood pressure.

On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven that consuming sage stimulates the production of reproductive hormones, eases menopausal changes in a woman’s body, increases the duration of ovulation and promotes pregnancy.

Sage has been called “sacred herb” since ancient times and is a symbol of wisdom. Translated from Latin, its name means “to feel healthy.” It was mentioned as a medicinal plant in his works by the ancient Roman Galen, a famous physician and author of treatises. An aqueous decoction of sage leaves also became famous as “Greek tea.”

Back in China in the 18th century, a box of this plant was exchanged from the British for two boxes of their tea. In addition, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt knew about its beneficial properties and used sage for conception. Thus, after protracted wars and various epidemics, women were recommended to eat sage, which increased the likelihood of becoming pregnant. And healers in Germany knew about the hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of sage.

It originates from Mediterranean countries with a dry climate. Its growing area is mountain slopes. For medicinal purposes, only leaves collected when the plant was in bloom are used. It has a pronounced aroma and a bitter taste.

Sage for infertility

It has a very strong effect on female hormonal function. It has medicinal properties to reduce pain during menstruation, stop lactation during the period after breastfeeding, and sage is also used for infertility. Its use is prescribed for problems with conceiving a child, as well as heavy menstrual flow. It contains astringent components that slow down bleeding. The fact that it is a natural estrogen allows it to be used during menopause.

Sage for infertility is taken in the form of an infusion of seeds. In this case, sage is used for conception by both men and women. In the second case, it increases the ability of the cervix to retract sperm and eliminates female frigidity. However, you should be very careful when using sage for conception. It is a potent drug and should not be taken in large doses or for a long time, as this can cause poisoning or damage to the mucous membrane. After treating infertility with sage, you should stop using it during pregnancy and subsequent lactation.

Herbalists with extensive experience in herbal medicine recommend combining sage for conception with linden, which will ensure maximum effect, since linden contains an impressive amount of phytohormones.

There is a tendency for infertility to occur due to increased levels of prolactin, which is inversely related to progesterone; therefore, herbs are prescribed that increase progestogen, as well as affect the pituitary gland and lower prolactin levels. It is recommended to combine herbs that can have both estrogenic and progestogenic effects, which makes it possible to use sage very effectively for infertility along with herbs such as lumbago, hops and others.

When using sage for conception, you should remember that it has an estrogenic effect and its use will only be indicated at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, in the so-called follicular phase. This should be kept in mind when using sage for conception. If a woman does not have menstruation, it should be used starting from the fifth day of the cycle.

Sage for infertility. Application

Sage for conception is prescribed on the fifth day of the beginning of the menstrual cycle. You need to drink it about 10 days before ovulation. The entire period of treatment for infertility with sage takes 3 months. If, after completing the course, it was not possible to get pregnant, then sage for conception can be reused after one month.

The recipe for sage infusion for infertility is as follows: you need to dilute a teaspoon of sage collection with boiling water (200 ml) and strain after infusion. Take a quarter glass daily before meals. During the day you will succeed 3-4 times. Drinking the infusion before bed is strictly not recommended. Brew a new one every day.

It is best to drink sage for infertility with drugs such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Another version of the sage recipe for conception is as follows: one tablespoon of sage infusion and hop cone infusion is mixed with infusions of hawthorn, cyanosis and calendula, in the amount of one teaspoon of each medicine. You should drink it half an hour before meals throughout the year. The current dose for a single dose is 30 drops per tablespoon of warm water.

Sage can be used for infertility, as well as for women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, in the form of warm baths, to which an infusion is added. The procedure is performed in a sitting position.

Sage for infertility. Reviews. Contraindications

Unfortunately, most people consult with doctors only when it is necessary to take chemicals, and consider old “grandmother’s” recipes to be absolutely harmless, forgetting about the always present limitations and exceptions. If you take sage for infertility, then you must monitor this process very carefully. It will be useful only to those women who have difficulty producing estrogen on their own. Those whose body produces it in excess should not use sage. If you use sage for infertility in this case, it may cause the follicle to burst prematurely.

In addition, this plant is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from fibroids and endometriosis. And also, if as a result of treatment with sage for infertility, you feel unwell, then you should stop taking it.

But, nevertheless, sage is a very effective drug. Sometimes the results can be stunning if sage is used correctly for infertility. Reviews from women who have experienced its effects are mostly enthusiastic and confirm that as a result of undergoing the course of treatment, they became pregnant.

Sage is a medicinal plant known since ancient times for its positive properties. They treat infectious diseases, skin problems, and much more. Due to the presence of phytohormones, sage also has an effect on the woman’s reproductive system, in particular, it treats infertility and helps to get pregnant. Therefore, women with a similar problem need to know what recipes based on it to use and how to prepare them.

It is not in vain that sage is used for conception, because it not only promotes the birth of a child, but also has other beneficial properties. Thus, the extract of this herb has anti-inflammatory, soothing, antispasmodic, disinfectant effects, etc.

Sage for women for conception is used quite widely due to the peculiarities of its composition. It contains phytoestrogens, which have a hormone-like effect. They increase the reflexivity of the uterus, participate in the formation of the egg, and improve the general condition of the body.

Sage for conception: how to take it for women

How to brew sage for conception? How to take it correctly? These questions interest many women. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Buy sage raw materials for decoction at the pharmacy;
  • The mixture is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of boiling water;
  • the broth is left to steep until it cools;
  • After this, you can use the medicine or store it in the refrigerator.

How to take sage:

  • To get pregnant, you need to take sage twice a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • course of admission - 11 days;
  • Reception begins on the first day after the end of menstruation;
  • the maximum course of treatment is 3 months, after which you need to take a break of at least two months;
  • It should be remembered that, like all drugs, the instructions for use for sage presuppose clear requirements for administration - dosage, course of treatment, non-compliance with which can lead to serious consequences;
  • in addition, he can use douching with sage for conception, which is no less effective than decoction and infusion;
  • a tablespoon of the drug is administered once using a syringe;
  • It is strictly forbidden to take sage during pregnancy, therefore, if conception is successful, the course of treatment is stopped. Otherwise, hormonal changes in the direction of increasing progesterone are possible, which can lead to undesirable consequences;
  • You should also know that taking sage changes the menstrual cycle, increasing the time of ovulation.

Sage for conception. For whom is sage contraindicated?

Before taking and preparing a drug, you need to collect as much information as possible about it. Therefore, women need to know everything about sage leaves for conception: how to take it, how to prepare it, who can drink it, what the consequences may be, etc. One of the important points is contraindications. It's not so much about knowing how to drink sage, but understanding when not to do it in order to maintain your health.

So, the contraindications to the use of sage are as follows:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • various systemic diseases, the presence of which should be known to a doctor treating infertility (hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other problems);
  • it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, since if it is exceeded there can be serious consequences;
  • The drug is also contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, kidney disease, as well as women prone to uterine bleeding and other menstrual irregularities.

How else is sage used in the treatment of various diseases?

As already mentioned, sage is a very multifaceted plant with different types of pharmacological activity.

  • So, in case of acute viral diseases, colds, they rinse their nose and mouth with it or take tablets based on it. Thus, one of the recipes involves brewing a tablespoon of herb in half a glass, after which the mixture is infused for 20 minutes and 2 drops are instilled into the nose every 2 hours.
  • If you need to gargle with sage, take it at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 400 ml of hot water. The mixture is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered and used for rinsing every 3 hours. You can gargle with this infusion during pregnancy - it will not affect the health of the fetus. Even tablets can be used by women who are already expecting a child, because there is very little sage itself.

  • For the treatment of infertility and other female problems, the douching method was mentioned with sage. It is very simple, and besides, you can brew infusions that will have a more complex effect. Take a tablespoon of sage, chamomile or white damask and infuse it in 400 ml of hot water for a quarter of an hour, then filter and cool. The resulting solution is injected into the vagina and held for 10 minutes.
  • Sage is also used to treat cracked nipples. To do this, prepare an oil solution. Take the essential oil of this plant (10 drops) and mix it with 50 ml of vegetable oil. You can wipe your breasts with this solution before and after breastfeeding, but rinse it off thoroughly during lactation.
  • If there are not just cracks on the breast, but milk has completely disappeared, this plant can help with such a problem. Prepare the same decoction from a tablespoon of raw materials, but brew it for 5 minutes, then filter and cool. The daily dose is 2-3 glasses. Take the drug until the lactation period ends.

Even in ancient Egypt, sage was considered a sacred herb. It has gained such a reputation thanks to its miraculous properties that help a woman get pregnant faster. After devastating wars, Egyptian priestesses distributed this herb on the streets to all women to speed up the appearance of offspring.

Modern women also do not neglect the miraculous properties of sage. Many couples who want to have children, but have not achieved any results after many months of diligent efforts, use sage to stimulate ovulation. What is so valuable about sage? How to take this herb correctly for infertility? Are there any contraindications to its use?

How does sage affect ovulation?

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant. One of them is the lack of ovulation. Italian scientists conducted a study that showed that estrogen therapy when planning pregnancy in women who have problems with ovulation, in most cases leads to egg maturation. In other words, an increase in the level of female hormones in the body stimulates the onset of ovulation.

Sage contains substances similar to female hormones - estrogens. Therefore, taking sage decoction orally allows you to increase the level of these hormones, which favors the onset of ovulation in women who have not had it for several months. Due to this property, sage is called a phytohormone.

Sage for conception - how to take it correctly?

How to use sage to stimulate ovulation? To combat infertility, a decoction is prepared from sage. It is best to buy the herb at a pharmacy. You will need sage leaves; they are suitable for conception. How to make a decoction? Take a tablespoon of sage per glass of boiling water. The dish is covered with a lid to allow the broth to infuse. Then it is filtered through a fine strainer or cheesecloth.

You need to take the decoction regularly - fifty milliliters (a quarter cup) four times a day at regular intervals. Start taking sage on the fourth or fifth day of the menstrual cycle, and stop on the eleventh or twelfth day. In the following days, do not drink sage, because there is a possibility of ovulation and fertilization. If pregnancy does not occur, the course is continued next month according to the same scheme. After two courses of phytohormone therapy, take a month's break, and then take the decoction again.

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that at the first suspicion of pregnancy you should immediately stop taking the sage decoction. Otherwise, you can provoke. The fact is that sage reduces the level of progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum until the placenta develops. Progesterone is simply necessary for the normal development of the embryo. Sage can provoke uterine contractions, as it increases estradiol levels and increases blood pressure. All these factors can lead to dire consequences.

It is important to know that sage for infertility will only help those girls who have a lack of estrogen. If they are in excess, the decoction should not be taken, as this increases the risk of developing endometriosis and causes menstrual irregularities. If hormone tests show an increased amount of estrogen, but you cannot get pregnant, you may need to look for another cause of this problem, because the lack of ovulation is just one of the reasons why pregnancy does not occur. Excess estrogen leads to irritability, swelling, and pain in the mammary glands. If the growth of these hormones is not controlled, their excess can even lead to breast cancer.

How effective is this method of stimulating ovulation?

Women who have experienced the magical effect of sage speak enthusiastically about this phytohormone. Even if they failed to get pregnant during the first course of phytohormonal stimulation, they noted that ovulation still occurred. This was indicated by an increase or the presence of ovulation, which was shown by the test. If sage is really so effective, then why not use this method when planning a pregnancy? Remember - only wise use of the “sacred herb” will help you become a happy mother.

Contraindications to the use of sage decoction

If you decide to drink sage for conception, you first need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use. Before starting treatment with chemicals, we always consult a doctor, and in the case of using herbal medicine, for some reason we ignore this important event, but herbs can greatly influence the human body. Who is contraindicated to use sage decoction?

People suffering from low blood pressure should avoid taking sage decoction orally. Diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys also serve as a warning for the use of the “sacred herb”. During pregnancy and lactation, sage should not be considered as a medicine at all. Contraindications for taking sage include a tendency to uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities.