Why does a person eat? What is proper nutrition and why is it needed? Ask yourself what food means to you

I am quite curious and inquisitive. Every day I think about all sorts of different things, but here food theme interests me very much, because seeing every day people whose figures are far from normal, I feel uneasy. The same question always comes up: “They don’t see anything? How can they not notice themselves, their species? How is that????” Living in such a society is not cool at all. After all, you always want to look around and admire the beauty of this world, but you can’t, because people are part of this world, it’s impossible not to pay attention to them.

Today I would like to talk about the topic, Why do you need to eat at all?

Most people, when approaching the refrigerator, think about completely wrong things, for example:

  • So that I can eat something tasty?
  • We need to satisfy our hunger
  • I need to eat so I don't die of hunger
  • I need to eat something to get rid of depression
  • I'm stressed, I want something sweet!

These are the concerns most people have when they go to their refrigerator or go shopping. None of these people think about their health, no one understands why they need to eat at all. Everyone has thoughts about delicious things on their minds, from depression, from stress, but more often, of course, just about taste. I saw something tasty somewhere, my taste buds began to stir, and now I want it too.

This is very similar to animals that eat simply to survive, following their self-preservation instincts. But you and I are people who are able to think and we are able not only to think, but also to study, analyze and make decisions.

So why do we need to eat?

Of course, also to survive, but there are several nuances that really need to be taken into account. Everyone knows that food can be different, both in appearance and in chemical composition. Let's first understand the functions of categories food.

Fruits and vegetables, main function these products supply of vitamins to our body. Minerals are also contained in these products, but the main purpose is to supply vitamins.

Protein food, these are various meats, eggs, dairy products, basic function protein food, the supply of protein, which is broken down into amino acids in the body and then used for restoration and creation of muscle tissue. In fact, amino acids have many functions, but let’s limit ourselves to a few for now. Let's call this function, BUILD! By the way, protein products contain a lot of minerals and most often fats come from protein products.

Carbohydrate foods, and these are sweets and cereals. Main function these products energy supply. All processes occurring in our body require energy. The car also doesn’t run without fuel.

Water, this product is basic. We are 80 percent water, all processes occur with the participation of water. Metabolism, cooling and much more.

In fact, we need to eat in order to receive material and energy, so that the chemical processes in the body do not stop working, exactly right, and we are alive. It's simple, but you need to think more broadly. It is necessary to distinguish between carbohydrates, simple and complex. Also distinguish between fats, harmful and healthy. High-quality protein and low-quality protein.

You now need to restructure your thinking when you think about food. Don't think of food as a solution to all problems, but imagine food as a source of material and energy so that you can live your life in good shape, so that your body is beautiful and functional, so that you can simply do everything you want! After all, food is not a solution to all problems and not a stimulator of your receptors, food is an opportunity to create, create, not only some things, but also your life, as you see it in your head, in your dreams.

After all, if you eat right, you will be pleased to look at yourself in the mirror, you will look normal. Other people will want to communicate and interact with you. Your life will become more diverse, because you will be capable of anything, there will be no restrictions in your life. Your illnesses will leave you behind, unless of course you have completely neglected everything.

By the way stress and depression occur due to poor nutrition. Of course, you shouldn’t lose sight of your attitude towards the world around you, but nutrition plays an important role. Your resistance to stress depends on adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins.

And in general, all diseases occur in people as a result of poor nutrition. Our body is very strong and very cool, it is capable of anything. You just need to give him everything he needs.

I hope it's clearer to you now, why does a person need to eat?

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Every person feels hungry every day. But everyone approaches this differently. Obvious gluttons sometimes eat even more than the body requires and enjoy the food, while some ascetics eat only when they feel hungry and a small portion is enough for them. Many people have a question, why do people eat? Let's look at how food affects the body, what it gives and why nutrition is so important for a living organism.

Construction material

Our body is constantly renewing itself. Some cells die and are replaced by new ones. The speed of their recovery directly depends on the type of cells and the intensity of metabolic processes. Heredity, lifestyle, the state of the environment and the nature of a person’s thoughts play a big role in this.

Our body is completely renewed, excluding nerve cells, on average in 4-5 years. Some tissues are slower, others are faster. The disposal of dead cells provides energy for some of the material for the construction of new cells, but the main building material is the substances that come with food. This is why a person needs to eat.


Organic substances in the foods we eat release chemical energy when oxidized. Thanks to it, we move, maintain the required body temperature, so to speak, we live.

But this energy did not come out of nowhere. Green plants receive it from the Sun (photosynthesis reaction). Animals, consuming them or other animals for food, “gained meat.” It turns out that all our food is a gift from the Sun, and people by nature are sunny.

Impact on the psyche

You've probably noticed that food brings joy. This is how nature took care of self-regulation to ensure the preservation of life. If your stomach is empty, then you feel discomfort and begin to look for food, having satisfied your hunger, you feel pleasure. The “carrot and stick” method is a classic option, this is why a person eats.

Research by scientists has shown that animals receive most of their positive emotions through food. The “hunger-satiety” scheme also works well for humans, but people still have many joys that are unknown to four-legged animals.

But the influence of food on the psyche comes down not only to pleasure. The foods eaten also carry various subtle energies. They cannot be measured with conventional instruments or seen by an untrained person, but there is no doubt about their existence. People with psychic abilities, yogis and some children feel these fields and even see them. These vibrations are similar to human energy centers and interact with them. These centers are called chakras, and there are quite a few of them.

Each chakra under normal conditions performs its highly specialized function, like internal organs. All human emotional states are associated with oppression or stimulation of the corresponding chakras.

Any food necessarily carries a certain energy. It affects the chakras, and this directly affects our psyche. The human body is built from food, and his mind and senses also depend on it.

So you found out why a person needs to eat.

  • We will assume that you were given a baby animal, you do not know what kind of animal it is and what to feed it. What to do in this case? It’s very simple: you just need to offer him different types of whole, natural food - he will begin to eat those products that are intended for him to eat by nature. He will most likely ignore all the rest, not even counting them as food. The same method works for a child. Leave your child in a room with a lamb and a banana and see what he plays with and what he eats.

    Repeat this experiment with fatty foods (nuts, seeds, avocados, olives) and sweet fruits. Again, there is no doubt what the child’s choice will be.
    Why aren't we predators?
    It is not entirely accurate to say that carnivores are those who eat meat. Firstly, they eat raw meat, secondly, they eat it with pleasure, and thirdly, they devour their prey almost entirely (and not just muscle tissue. We do not perceive living animals as food. Killing an animal is disgusting for us, many do not could have done it with our own hands. The raw flesh of a killed animal is not only unattractive to us, but, on the contrary, sickening. There is no human way of killing animals, so we do it not with our own hands, but with the help of “Professionals” - slaughterhouse workers, etc. .
    Further, we eat only muscle tissue and parts of some organs, boiled and seasoned, thus camouflaging dead flesh, which is disgusting to us, in its natural form. To determine what kind of food we would eat in natural conditions, we need to rely on our instincts. What would we eat in nature without fire, dishes, refrigerators and other devices? The only criterion that guided our ancestors when choosing food was its attractiveness to our senses. We must proceed from the axiom that nature has provided us with everything necessary for a full existence.

    Are we herbivores?

    Grass, green shoots, foliage - all this is unattractive to our sight, smell and taste. The human body does not produce cellulase and other enzymes characteristic of herbivores necessary for digesting coarse greens. Therefore, we cannot extract from it the most important nutrients for us - simple sugars, which ultimately leads to energy deficiency.
    True, we eat leafy greens - lettuce, celery, spinach, etc., as well as coarser vegetables (beets, carrots), but their high insoluble fiber content makes them very difficult to digest. And we can’t say that they in their natural form attracted us much. All vegetables contain protein, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and some simple sugars.
    But we can get all this in sufficient quantities from other natural products, so why do we need vegetables that we do not eat with obvious pleasure? So, nature has provided the possibility of including vegetables and a variety of greens in our diet, but as a supplement, and not as the basis of the diet.

    Are we "Starch Eaters"?

    Starchy foods are grains (cereals), roots and tubers and legumes. Many birds are granivores, feeding on the seeds of cereals and other herbaceous plants. But under natural conditions we would not eat seeds. Firstly, in the form in which they grow in nature, we can neither properly chew them nor properly digest them. Granivorous birds have a crop in the throat or esophagus - a special sac where swallowed seeds germinate, thus becoming digestible.
    In their raw form, grains are not digested, but even in cooked form, the complex carbohydrates they contain require a lot of digestive labor to break down. In nature, we would have to eat the seeds of cereals along with the husk; try to eat even a tablespoon of such unpeeled seeds - you will choke! And if you try to eat a tablespoon of raw flour from the seeds of any cereal, you will also choke - it is too dry. The fact that in their raw natural form cereal seeds are unattractive to us as food indicates that before the mastery of fire we were not granivores.
    Starchy roots and tubers.
    Animals that feed on roots and tubers are anatomically adapted for digging them up (snout. For a person without special tools, this is not an easy task. And he has no motivation for this: “Underground” products in their natural form are not tempting for us in terms of their taste, and our digestion is generally able to cope with very few of them. Some (turnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, yams, beets, carrots, parsnips) can still be eaten raw, but today this is almost not practiced. In addition, man is a very clean creature and does not will eat anything covered in dirt or even slightly soiled.Root eaters, such as pigs, absorb huge amounts of dirt along with their food.
    Apart from birds and pigs, very few animals eat legumes with pleasure, because in their natural form they are indigestible and poisonous to most mammals. For humans, raw ripe legumes are not only tasteless, but also very toxic. Young legumes are edible and non-toxic, but their nutritional value is questionable. Legumes are praised for their high protein content, but this is a dubious advantage, given that excess protein (more than 10% of the total calorie intake) does not bring anything good to a person. The high protein and starch content is a combination that makes legumes difficult to digest.
    The gases that occur when eating legumes indicate a violation of the digestive processes. In addition, legumes contain too little vitamin C, an essential nutrient for humans. For normal digestion of starchy foods - grains, legumes, roots and tubers - the animal must produce a large amount of the enzyme that breaks down starch (amylase. In human saliva there is relatively little amylase, and it is very weak - it is only enough to process small amounts of starch found in unripe fruits.The amount of amylase that is produced by the pancreas is also sufficient to process very limited portions of starch.
    Products obtained by decomposition.
    Almost all Americans consume fermented or otherwise decomposed substances (called "Foods"). Most come from milk. Some are made from grains (alcoholic beverages), fruits (wine and some vinegars), legumes (especially soybeans and putrefactive soy products) and rotten meat.Carbohydrates begin to ferment, decomposing by molds and bacteria.
    Fermented carbohydrates produce alcohol, acetic and lactic acid, as well as methane and carbon dioxide. Proteins rot when decomposed. The end products of this putrefaction, carried out mainly by anaerobic bacteria (but also mold fungi (yeast) and aerobic bacteria), are many toxic compounds: cadaveric poisons (cadaverine, muscarine, neurin, etc.), indole, skatole, mercaptan , ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.
    Fats, when oxidized and decomposed, become rotten.
    Oddly enough, we throw away fermented grapes, but we drink the final product of their fermentation - wine. Even stranger, most Americans devour cheese, a pathogenic putrefactive product not found in nature. When making cheese, the casein component of the milk is separated and decomposed by bacteria, which produce rotting byproducts that many find very tasty. Cheese contains almost all decomposition products in one “Bottle”: rotten proteins, fermented carbohydrates and rancid fats. It is enough to take a good dictionary to find out how poisonous these substances are. Under natural conditions, without special equipment and utensils, people could not prepare all of the listed decomposition products, therefore, we can safely recognize them as unnatural.
    It is unlikely that people have ever drank milk directly from the udders of animals. The very thought of this is disgusting. The practice of regular consumption of milk by adults dates back only a few centuries. Before the invention of the internal combustion engine, most households could not grow enough grain to feed more than one or two cows. Feeding cow's milk to infants as a substitute for mother's milk is also a relatively recent practice (about 200 years old. No animal in nature drinks the milk of another species, instinctively knowing that only its mother's milk is the ideal food to support its rapid growth and ensure its all necessary substances in the right combinations and proportions. Cow's milk is no more suitable for us than pork, rat or giraffe milk... drinking milk causes illness. Only if today humanity gave up milk, very soon millions of people would stop getting sick.
    Nuts, seeds and other vegetable fats.
    Undoubtedly, our ancestors used nuts and other seeds for food. However, all seeds have a protective shell, which can vary in hardness from fibrous to woody. We do not have the sharp teeth and strong jaws of a squirrel to extract nut kernels from the shell. Nuts and seeds are very rich in nutrients, but they are only good for you when eaten raw. Heat-treated fats and proteins are pathogenic and even carcinogenic. However, most people in the modern world have never tried truly raw nuts and seeds. They contain a lot of water and therefore have delicate pulp, for example, in almonds it resembles an apple in consistency, and in macadamia it resembles nut butter.
    Almost all commercially available nuts and seeds are dried in ovens at "Low" temperatures (probably 70\xB0C) often for several days to prevent mold and thus extend shelf life. Unfortunately, our digestion does not cope well with digesting nuts, whether they are raw, dried or roasted. Sometimes 90% fat, nuts and seeds are best eaten occasionally and in very small portions. And even in this case, their breakdown into fatty acids, amino acids and glucose is a long, labor-intensive process. Fats can sit in the small intestine for several hours before the gallbladder releases the bile needed to emulsify them (break them down and turn them into a liquid.
    But fatty fruits - avocado, durian, ackee, breadfruit and olives - when ripe are rich in easily digestible fats. The tender flesh of a young coconut is also easily digestible, but the hardened flesh of a mature coconut is practically indigestible. Raw, fresh leafy greens and other vegetables contain small amounts of fatty acids in a very accessible form. All the easily digestible fats we need can be obtained from fruits and tender leafy greens. Biologically we are not "Fat Eaters". Although it is nice to occasionally eat a piece of avocado or a handful of nuts, humans are still primarily a “carbohydrate” creature.
    Maybe we are omnivores.
    Of course, in modern practice, people are omnivores - thanks to cooking stoves, flavorings and seasonings that mask the natural taste of foods, etc. but in nature we could only eat 1) seasonal products 2) raw, 3 choosing them according to their natural taste qualities. Without special devices, equipment, packaging and transportation technologies, taste-masking substances, we would quickly lose all our “omnivorousness”... and juicy sweet fruits would seem tastier to us every day!
    We are frugivores!
    Under natural conditions, people would be exclusively frugivores. Like all animals, we are able to more or less adapt to a wide variety of foods, and yet our bodies are “designed” for a predominantly fruit diet. Some people go on a pure fruit diet, but I don't recommend it: dark green leafy vegetables are too rich in minerals and other substances vital for optimal nutrition and good health. From a nutritional point of view, no other food can satisfy almost all of our needs like fruits (including the need for taste pleasure. Fruits for us are the same as meat for predators.
    People have a sweet tooth by nature. The taste buds at the very tip of our tongue detect sweet taste. In ripe fruits, complex carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars (glucose and fructose), which do not require digestion. Enzymes in fruits convert proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Thus, all the work has already been done for us, and all we have to do is enjoy the taste! Frugivorous diet - mostly fruits + some tender greens. What about all the other vegetables? You may be surprised, but everything suggests that physiologically our digestive system is “designed” with soft soluble fiber and tender leafy greens in mind.
    It is a fact that many vegetables (for example, all types of cabbage) are a real storehouse of nutrients, including soluble fiber. But, on the other hand, they contain a lot of cellulose and other difficult-to-digest or generally indigestible fiber. Indigestible in the sense that our digestive system is not able to break down this material and is forced to remove it from the body. Moreover, unlike soluble fiber, these coarse, indigestible fibers can scratch and abrade the delicate mucous membrane of our digestive tract. (Fiber from whole grains has the same effect, but to a much greater extent.) These vegetables are best digested when they are young, when they are at their most tender.
    For best results, they should be thoroughly chewed or crushed using a blender, grater, etc. Full digestion is required for complete absorption, and whenever we eat difficult-to-digest foods, we create problems for our digestion, and in the long run - for our own health . Of course, we are able to absorb cellulose and other coarse fiber, but such food creates a lot of stress on the digestive and excretory organs. When it comes to health, we strive to get the greatest benefit at the lowest cost. When applied to nutrition, this means that we need enough nutrients, not too much. More doesn't mean better. Thus, coarse vegetables containing a lot of difficult-to-digest or even indigestible fiber are not our ideal food.

    Let's summarize:
    What is the conclusion? The ideal food for humans are fruits and berries, that is, the fruits of trees and shrubs; humans are frugivorous creatures. We are able to digest non-species food with difficulty, but not without harm to our body.

    The red list contains products of animal origin; eating them for humans is a huge blow to all systems of the body, so in order for it to be at least somehow “suitable” for food, we cook, fry meat, add flavor enhancers, such as salt, glutamate, spices, vegetables and only then do we eat.

    It is unlikely that anyone wants to eat a raw piece of meat, as predators do; most people will simply vomit. Another important point is that the food should be raw. Because when heat treated above 43 degrees, enzymes and enzymes that help digest food are destroyed; raw food digests itself, triggering autolysis. Boiled food is a set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the assimilation of which requires some effort. Because during heat treatment above 43 degrees, a person needs to distract and use his own reserves (enzymes.

    A balanced diet is not only the key to the physical and mental activity of the human body, but also a necessary element for its existence. The process of digesting food is the work of many internal organs.

    The main task of eating food is not the aesthetic purpose and satisfaction of a person’s taste preferences, but the need to maintain physical fitness. If you have any diseases, first of all change your diet to improve your overall well-being. This is due to the fact that nutrition and a well-chosen diet are the basis for successful recovery.

    Food consumption includes the process of metabolism and energy (for movement, talking, breathing, thinking, sleep). The more energy a person spends during the day, the higher the calorie content of meals eaten daily should be. Food is “fuel” for the human body. Energy expenditure also depends on a person’s age.

    It should be noted that the amount of food consumed must correspond to physical characteristics (age, gender, weight category, health status, etc.). Lack of food leads to exhaustion of the body, and overeating negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, the digestion process is disrupted, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and body weight increases.

    It is very important for a person to chew food thoroughly, otherwise an insufficient amount of saliva will be produced. This leads to increased stress on the stomach, deterioration of the digestion process and possible overeating. It is advisable to chew food slowly so that a gradual feeling of fullness occurs. Better digestion is facilitated by drinking liquid, which softens food and allows it to pass through the digestive tract with ease.

    It is also very important to eat at the same time, since the body, as a rule, focuses on rhythmic work. Eating at different times forces him to readjust and constantly adapt to the new regime.

    A million articles and books have already been written about how to eat properly. But in such a huge information flow, a person can quickly get lost and easily become confused. Therefore, we have collected all the most important and necessary things that each of us should know about healthy and proper nutrition. If you want to eat normally, and not starve, and at the same time be slim and healthy, it is important to know that: - Food is a metabolism stimulant. The more often we eat, the better the metabolic processes in the body work.

    This is why all nutritionists strongly recommend split meals (every 2-2.5-3 hours). - The serving size should be 250-300 g for women, about 400 g for men. This applies even to the healthiest food: it is naive to believe that a bucket of berries will do you good. Even fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods should be in the required volume. - It is advisable to add lipotropic substances to each meal (substances that help normalize lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate the mobilization of fat from the liver and its oxidation).

    Products with lipotropic effects include spices (turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek), oils (milk thistle, sesame, pumpkin, flaxseed, walnut), seeds (linseed, sesame), nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine, almonds) . - All nutrients must be present in a person’s diet: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water. - It is necessary to maintain the correct water regime. Drink 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after.

    The daily water intake for a person is calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water. You should drink little by little throughout the day, not half a liter at once. In hot weather or during physical activity, the daily water intake increases by 20-30%. - There is such a thing as nutritional biorhythms. There are foods that work perfectly only in the morning, but in the evening there is no benefit from it. And vice versa. More about this below. A balanced diet for a person should look something like this: Breakfast In the morning, a person needs energy, so we eat healthy carbohydrates, for example, porridge. It is better to give preference to gluten-free ones - buckwheat, rice, corn; the more expensive ones are quinoa and amaranth. Add lipotropic additives to the porridge: 1 tbsp of any oil, 1 tbsp of spices and sprinkle with any seeds (all from the list above).

    Second breakfast Before lunch, it is safe for your figure to consume carbohydrates, which include vegetables, fruits and berries. Therefore, for second breakfast we take 250-300 g of berries or fruits (approximately 3 small apples or a large plastic glass of berries). Lunch At lunch, we move from carbohydrate stimulation of metabolism to protein. Lunch can be the richest and most voluminous meal (women are allowed to increase the portion to 300-350 g), since at this time a sufficient amount of enzymes have already accumulated in the stomach, capable of processing any food. So it’s better to plan any feasts for lunchtime.

    Or if you want to give yourself some slack, do it at lunch. And if you eat normally, choose meat, fish and vegetables. Snack For an afternoon snack, fermented milk products are recommended: kefir, sourdough, yoghurt, fermented baked milk - all without sugar, since in the afternoon you need to limit yourself as much as possible in consuming carbohydrates. Nuts are also great as a snack, but their portion should be 30-40 g (a handful). Dinner For dinner we eat light protein. This can be cottage cheese, white cheese (mozzarella, feta), fish, eggs, seafood. Legumes (beans, lentils, peas) and mushrooms are also good choices. These products can be supplemented with vegetables, but not starchy ones (discard potatoes, carrots, and zucchini in the evening).

    The human digestive system has a vital function - it supplies the body with energy and nutrients throughout life. However, attention should be paid to the fact that many products that are available to humans today lose their energy and nutritional value during storage and preparation, or have none at all.

    The human body is inherently unique! So does a person need food? A person needs energy (carbohydrates) and nutrients (proteins, fats, vitamins, micro- and macroelements) that food provides. This is a generally accepted concept and it is correct. Theoretically, in order for a person to receive the energy, vitamins, fats, micro- and macroelements he needs, he does not have to consume food; however, an alternative source of energy and nutrients that would be able to completely replace food does not exist today.


    What to eat? There is a solution: you need to consume foods that contain the required amount of energy and nutrients!

    What are these products?

    For many, it is no secret that during heat treatment, products lose quite a lot of useful components, and thereby their properties. Some dishes, after they are prepared, lose everything that can be lost (when the food is first boiled, then fried and finally stewed) - in this case, this dish is not food, but a means of filling the stomach (with the same success you can eat sand or crushed stone...), which, subsequently, the body removes from the body with great difficulty. Do you often have a stomach ache after a tasty and hearty meal? This happens to everyone, and many will say that this is a normal phenomenon and it happens to many people. But this is not normal! Abdominal pain after heavy and improperly prepared food is the body’s fight against poison, which most people call food, and this battle in your body occurs every day.

    A person must consume food correctly and only those products that he needs. Otherwise, human diseases will not become a rare exception, but will become widespread. Isn't this the goal of pharmaceutical companies that are so interested in selling their products? And people continue to consume mountains of pills, inject themselves with liters of various medications in the hope that they can help them in some way! Everyone understands and knows this perfectly well, since they themselves have once encountered this. We will not be mistaken if we say that today there is no such person who has not taken medication at least once!

    You should not be hostage to your mind and body, which will always convince you that all people are sick, and you are sick, everyone takes medicine, and you will take it! Think about it, why? Why should you be like everyone else if each person is individual? You should go your own way and look at others from the outside: you are not like the others, and the others are not like you. The difference will be that you yourself will achieve an understanding of your individuality, and your herd instinct will simply disappear. When you reach the understanding that the majority is not always right, you will stop striving for the rest!

    It is common for every person to make mistakes, and even more so for a crowd! If you look in the media at the riots that are increasingly affecting many regions of not only our country, but also the world, you will see that they arise precisely in the crowd. Having seen all this, you will say that they are behaving very stupidly! The funny thing is that most of the participants in these mass riots in everyday life would say the same thing! It is the manifestation of the herd instinct that makes people commit rash acts, irreparable mistakes and follow the crowd into the abyss.

    Now think about how many diseases are caused by poor nutrition in humans? After all, you are blatantly deceived when they claim that you need food and only food. The question arises: what kind of food do we need and how much of it should we consume? Today, many studies are known on this issue; there are many recommendations and ready-made diets. However, most of these studies are carried out abroad, and most of these studies have nothing to do with us, because both the social conditions and the quality of products between us and them are very different.

    It can be considered reliable that the human body contains almost all the elements of the periodic table! Our body has its own supply of “building materials”. The products contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which is a means for a person to provide the body with energy for life and nutritional components that will allow the human body to meet its needs. That is, if the human body does not produce a sufficient amount of necessary elements, it receives them from foods. If this balance is disturbed (for various reasons), diseases appear. Also, the body must maintain a constant supply of all components necessary for life, otherwise the human body becomes dependent on external nutrition, which is usually ineffective. In this case, the body begins to break down ahead of schedule.

    It turns out that the human body needs energy and nutrients, and not the food itself. Are you confused? Everything is quite simple. The body takes everything it needs from foods and replenishes its own reserves, the remainder is eliminated from the body. However, to implement such a nutritional plan, you need to consume the right foods that contain everything you need. In this case, your reserve will not be depleted and will constantly support your life. This is the same as constantly adding gasoline to the tank of a car; this will make it possible to keep the tank full (without overfilling it), and the car will drive for a very long time. Most people leave the tank empty and then think for a long time why the car doesn’t drive. Because that small portion of high-quality food that enters our body is only enough to make our engine sneeze and shoot loudly, and the car constantly jerks and barely moves.

    Remember: the body needs nutrients and energy. And the more you consume healthy food, the better it is for you. It often happens that you do not get enough sleep, feel tired and constantly hungry. You want to eat because your reserve is depleted, and you are not going to replenish it with healthy food, thinking that healthy food is not able to satiate you.

    People were convinced that high-quality and healthy food is not capable of providing anything important, and therefore is useless! A person believes, consumes unhealthy foods and hopes for a healthy and long life. Now think about how much of your internal reserve is enough for you? And no matter where you live, no matter what you do, one thing can be said that the reserve will be enough for 25-30 years! This is a very short period of time, but this is precisely the age when a person begins to develop serious illnesses. Most people experience this.

    Here's an example: a person thinks that by consuming candy, his mood improves, since chocolate contains the “happiness hormone” (serotonin). Is this true? Yes, this is true, but it happens because the person knows about it. In this case, the placebo effect plays an important role: a person gets pleasure because he thinks that he should be happy. But immediately objections arise: is this real chocolate (for only real chocolate contains serotonin), and the fact that many will say that just ordinary sweets can lift your mood. But this is not so, a person only thinks so, since there are many examples when sweets not only do not help, but only make things worse for the body. And if the candies do not contain chocolate, but something else, what then improves your mood: simple sugar or something else? It’s worth thinking about the fact that not everything that everyone tells you is true.

    It is worth hoping that you have learned what we wanted to convey to you: a person needs energy and nutrients, and it does not matter how and where you get them, even from the air.

    All living things need food; starting from the ciliates of the shoe and up to HUMAN... This is how the body of living beings works... But FOOD is different! If a person eats in order to provide the body with the nutrients necessary for life, this is a NATURAL NEED... But if a person eats for PLEASURE, this is a LIFESTYLE leading to diseases... The more “refined” the food, the less from it good for the body. Modern CULINARS, COOKS, invent a lot of different “goodies” to attract consumers and, accordingly, generate INCOME. They don't care about their clients' HEALTH. It’s just that every PERSON who wants to LIVE LONG and at the same time be HEALTHY must KNOW that “THE MORE SOPHISTICATED FOOD IS, THE MORE USELESS IT IS FOR THE BODY.” THE MORE A PERSON DRINKS LIQUIDS, THE MORE THE GASTROINTESTINAL FLORA IS DISTURBED... "FASTING, URINOTHERAPY, SEPARATE NUTRITION, VEGETARIANITY ARE WAYS TO DISRUPTING THE SUBJECT MECHANISM OF THE ORGANISM." If a Man “thinks about “WHAT” he eats, then he is already sick! We must at least try to eat simple and, if possible, rough food in order for the body to WORK! KINGS, LEADERS, and indeed the ELITE in general, never were not distinguished by GOOD HEALTH, AND THE REASON was too pampered FOOD and PLENTY OF DRINKING...

    They say: “Truth is the ability to perceive OBVIOUSLY”... Gastric juice is a set of concentrated organic acids designed to accelerate the decomposition of food. By washing down food with water, drinking a huge amount of liquid when, in principle, there is no need to drink, a person dilutes gastric juice, changing the concentration of acids... As a result of this, food, instead of quickly decomposing, begins to rot. Putrefactive substances are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the Stomach and Intestines, slowly but surely poisoning the entire body with toxic components of putrefaction... Which ultimately leads to many different diseases.
    The only STANDARD (indicator) of the need for WATER is our BODY! You need to drink when you really want to drink... And then slowly, in small sips. The only USEFUL WATER is the water that is found in the area where a person lives. No imported, “oxygen”, “ozonated”, “hydrogen” and other “sophisticated” WATER will benefit the body! All this is ordinary “SODA” and its varieties. And any carbonated water is harmful to the STOMACH... Where LONG-LIVERS live - the Caucasus, EASTERN countries, Japan - the main diet is “main courses”, not soups... For example, in Uzbekistan, the only purely liquid dish is - This is SHURPA. Soup with lots of vegetables. And even that one is prepared quite rarely... And all the main dishes are porridge, including pilaf...

    Convinced supporters of VEGETARIANism believe that a person can easily do without meat and still remain completely HEALTHY. Let's see how true this statement is.
    There are four main components of food: Macroelements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Microelements - vitamins and minerals. Fiber is found in plants and is necessary for GOOD DIGESTION OF FOOD. Water - about 1.5 liters per day is needed.
    The optimal composition for maintaining HEALTH is considered to be a food composition containing -
    Carbohydrates - 58 percent, Mono and polyunsaturated fats - 20 percent, Proteins - 12 percent, Saturated fats - 10 percent...
    Each microelement has its own pharmacological properties...Iron is necessary for the formation of Hemoglobin, found in seafood, liver, eggs, nuts. Cobalt is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and is found in liver, kidneys, meat, and eggs. Copper Participate in the processes of BLOOD POOSIS, found in seafood, fish, liver, nuts, legumes. ZINC promotes the normal functioning of the PROSTATE GLAND, found in seafood, eggs, milk, meat, liver, yeast. ZIRCONIUM stimulates the GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT of TISSUE. LACK OF SELENIUM causes CANCER DISEASES...Chromium promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates, found in meat, liver, fruits, vegetables, nuts. Well, etc. So think about whether there IS or IS NOT...